Double Talk

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Double Talk

Postby Shorty » February 16th, 2025, 8:07 am

Dear Magicians

I am looking for all resources of double talk. I know its not magic, but its a funny weapon to make a routine more fun. I am from Switzerland and try to do it in german... ( I know:)) So far I have not the result that I am looking for:)

I f someone have a good advise or a Youtube link, that would be great. Thanks a lot.

Best regardes

P.s. Sorry for my bad english
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Re: Double Talk

Postby Q. Kumber » February 16th, 2025, 9:48 am

X-Jargon by Wallace Lee

and google, "Stanley Unwin"
Here's a snippet of him with Ken Dodd.

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Re: Double Talk

Postby PressureFan » February 16th, 2025, 11:02 am

Cliff Nazarro

See also ‘Durwood Fincher’.

I used to use double-talk to put off annoying questions.
George Schindler once published a monograph on double-talk. I approached him at a convention and asked him about it. He said “It’s ober atta corpuscle.”
It was an annoying question.


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Re: Double Talk

Postby Shorty » February 16th, 2025, 12:48 pm

Oh thanks a lot! I will check this out.
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Re: Double Talk

Postby Joe Lyons » February 16th, 2025, 1:10 pm

Wallace Lee had at least a couple of others if you can find them:

When, Where and How to Doubletalk and Magic, Double-Talk and Monkey-Business

Bill Mullins
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Re: Double Talk

Postby Bill Mullins » February 16th, 2025, 5:41 pm

I've been around people doing Double Talk in front of laypeople a couple of times. The group was the Double Talker, a couple of magician-types who knew what was going on, and someone who wasn't in on the "joke", like a waitress. In each case, the layperson ended up being the center of attention because they couldn't understand what was being said, or why everyone else was enjoying themselves at her expense.

Is there any situation where using Double Talk to someone who isn't with it doesn't make you look like an a-hole?

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Re: Double Talk

Postby Shorty » February 17th, 2025, 12:56 pm

Should be no problem... I do it as a fake Explanation for the hole Audience... so nobody looks stupid... just me... this is my job:)

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Re: Double Talk

Postby Richard Kaufman » February 17th, 2025, 1:20 pm

Try to find a video of Sid Lorraine doing his double-talk act.

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Re: Double Talk

Postby MagicbyAlfred » February 17th, 2025, 1:27 pm

Bill Mullins wrote:

"I've been around people doing Double Talk in front of laypeople a couple of times. The group was the Double Talker, a couple of magician-types who knew what was going on, and someone who wasn't in on the "joke", like a waitress. In each case, the layperson ended up being the center of attention because they couldn't understand what was being said, or why everyone else was enjoying themselves at her expense?"

Wow, I cringe when I hear things like that. This is the reason I have never wanted to perform the paper balls over the head. I think there is also a danger that even if one particular person is not singled out to be the brunt of the gag or "joke," the entire audience might feel as if they are being made fun of with double-talk. I believe we must be very careful of the type of humor (or intended humor) we employ, as there are many people who don't like magic or resent magicians because they feel they are being made fools of. I am not saying Shorty is culpable of such offenses because I have no idea what lines he is using, but still, I think it is wise for magicians to be very cautious and thoughtful about how we speak to and interact with the people for whom we perform. How we connect with them and make them feel is a vital part of being a well-liked and successful performer and of them having a wonderful experience. A basic understanding of psychology and human nature is a great asset in Magic and in life at large.

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Re: Double Talk

Postby Tarotist » February 17th, 2025, 1:38 pm

I think Alfred makes a valid point. It didn't occur to me with regard to Paper Balls over the Head but it probably should have done. I have never performed it myself yet I have always liked it. I imagine it could be done successfully but the performer would have to be of a certain personality who could soften the impact of the situation somehow. Perhaps give the spectator some kind of gift when the trick is finished. I once saw David Nixon do that and I was always impressed by the gesture.

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Re: Double Talk

Postby Shorty » February 18th, 2025, 2:01 pm

Thank you for all the great response.

Its funny... my Character Shorty get away with a lot:) He is a nice guy a little clumsy but the people like him. I dont be rude to the audience but I make a little fun about them. But in a nice way;) I have close to never problems with hacklers.

Few years ago I made a new 2hour theater show with a good theater director. He told me its everthing allowed to say on a stage... and then the first thing he did was trow out all foul words and jokes I hade... HE killed my Darlings.

He said its easy to get laugh with dirty jokes and make fun about others... but create funny Situation an make the people laugh at you or with you its the way to go.

After many years... I would say its a sensitiv mix. If you play a drunken mostly male Corporate show you have normaly 30 Second to make them laugh :) Even worst with drunken Females:) Time for under the belt!

Also the country is a big thing... American comedy hardly work in many parts of Europe... UK Humor (my favorit) is many times hard on the Limit and rude!!! but he... its just raining there! Dont ask about german humor:):) just kidding the are great.

But the god thing as a magician is, if you feel your comedy sucks a night, have a few bits with more magic then comedy, if the magic sucks too, good luck!

This is just my experince in my little world:)

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Re: Double Talk

Postby MagicbyAlfred » February 21st, 2025, 6:00 pm

Personally, using double talk wouldn't fit my style, but if what Shorty is doing is working for him (and keeping him working), that's what counts. I believe that laymen are our best teachers, and that their reactions are the barometer of what's good and what's not. The tricks and the lines and bits that get the best reactions are what I go with. And I have been surprised at how some tricks and/or lines I thought would go over fantastically did not, and vice versa. Oftentimes tricks magicians tend to eschew are real winners with lay audiences. (Try the Magician's Insurance Policy or the Looooong Card or the 3 and 1/2 of Clubs sometime, if you never have).

I have never worked in venues outside the U.S., but apparently what plays well here, especially comedy-wise, might well fall flat there. From what I've heard about working some of the drinking establishments in the U.K., I might well erect chicken wire between myself and the audience before starting my show. There were a few times that I performed for Japanese people visiting the U.S who didn't speak a word of English (nor I a word of Japanese). But I'm here to say that the cups and balls, without a word of patter, went over extremely well, with laughter and applause all the way though. Or were they just being gracious and polite? Who cares? The party planner was quite happy...

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Re: Double Talk

Postby PressureFan » March 4th, 2025, 2:32 pm

Related to Double-talk.
I remember seeing Frank Rains on tv years ago. Amazing and vexing.
Every once in a while, I would practice doing this while listening to old radio shows like The Shadow. It’s doable, but I never got any good at it.

There are tons of videos of him on The Tonight Show, Mike Douglas, That’s Incredible, etc.

Simultaneous talker (I've Got a Secret 7/19/61)


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Re: Double Talk

Postby Shorty » March 9th, 2025, 5:10 am

Thank you!
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