Uncanny Levitation or Paul Daniel’s Box Levitation

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Joined: June 16th, 2023, 1:19 am
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Uncanny Levitation or Paul Daniel’s Box Levitation

Postby dobbsjl » June 19th, 2024, 10:02 pm


I am looking for instructions on the Uncanny Levitation or Paul Daniel’s version with the box levitation. Anyone has any sources you can direct me too? I have looked at U.F. Grant’s explanation of the Uncanny Levitation, but the diagrams and text is not 100% clear. I get the basic principle, but feel I’m missing something.

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Re: Uncanny Levitation or Paul Daniel’s Box Levitation

Postby JFox » December 28th, 2024, 5:43 am

What you are referring to is the "Flying Box" illusion. You'll find a thread about it - on the Genii Forum.

Tom Moore
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Re: Uncanny Levitation or Paul Daniel’s Box Levitation

Postby Tom Moore » December 29th, 2024, 2:16 am

Just to clarify - there are two different “cardboard box” levitations credited to Paul. The “flying box” - a large cardboard box floats in front of the magician and eventually an assistant appears out of the box whilst it’s floating. The “box levitation” - the magician stands inside a cardboard box (with torn open sides) and levitates up and down inside it.
"Ingenious" - Ben Brantley: New York Times


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