Magic Texas 2024?

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Magic Texas 2024?

Postby erdnasephile » October 23rd, 2024, 1:53 pm

Did anyone attend the Magic Texas 2024 (TAOM/SAM/FISM NA) Convention?
I wanted to attend, but work got in the way.
I am curious to know what the highlights/lowlights were for you, how the convention facilities were, which lectures impressed you, and what the best items in the dealers room were.

Brad Henderson
Posts: 4598
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Re: Magic Texas 2024?

Postby Brad Henderson » October 23rd, 2024, 2:48 pm

Logistical and technical problems abounded with the convention.

The production team dedicated to the two theater shows were great. Sadly the convention side logistical missteps - mentioned above - stole the thunder of the first theater show. The second theater show (lsunday night show) saved the conference. Without that it would have gone down as a major miss.

The hotel was amazing but in spite of the three year agreement we were told existed we will not be back - no way we made them anywhere close to the money they could get from other events.

Magic contests do not make for better Magic.

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