Favorite Five

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Mike Elizalde
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Favorite Five

Postby Mike Elizalde » July 7th, 2024, 10:01 pm

What are your top five must have, impromptu card effects with a borrowed deck? Do not include triumph, or the Chicago opener.

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Richard Kaufman
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Re: Favorite Five

Postby Richard Kaufman » July 8th, 2024, 12:28 pm

Ambitious Card
Quick 3-Way (Harry Riser)
The Gun Trick (Ken Krenzel)
Invisible Palm Aces (Jennings)
Cavorting Aces (Dr. Daley)
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Re: Favorite Five

Postby Tarotist » July 8th, 2024, 3:14 pm

I never have an opportunity to borrow a deck since the only people that carry them around with them are other magicians and of course they are not worth performing for if you want to learn how to be any good. Having said that I have so many strong impromptu card tricks that I can hardly count them let alone figure out which are the best five. They are ALL fantastic! I suppose the best five in no particular order are:

1. Out of this World
2. MacDonald Aces (Yes, I do this impromptu)
3. 3 cards across
4. Matching the Cards
5. Now You See It

Bob Plaut
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Re: Favorite Five

Postby Bob Plaut » July 8th, 2024, 4:10 pm

The Gun Trick (Ken Krenzel)
Touch (Ben Earl)
Spectacular Prediction Coincidence (John Murray)
Back in time / Selected Time Travel (Jay Sankey / Ben Earl)
Untouched (Daryl)
Honorable Mention - Emotional Reaction (Dai Vernon)

Philippe Billot
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Re: Favorite Five

Postby Philippe Billot » July 9th, 2024, 1:42 am

As I have no time to practice nor present magic, if people who know I "do" magic insist, I present:

Nu Way OOTW by U.F. Grant
One-Eye Jack Sandwich by Harry Lorayne
21-card Trick Streamlined by Ed Marlo
Do As I As do (the basic by Walter Gibson)
The Trick that can't be explain by Da Vernon

All these tricks can be done with a minimum of sleight(s)

Q. Kumber
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Re: Favorite Five

Postby Q. Kumber » July 9th, 2024, 5:59 am

A View to a Skill by John Bannon
C3 by R. Paul Wilson
Marlo's Half Trick
One For The Money by Bill Goldman
Out of This World (Grant version)

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