Something New for Kids Magic

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Jim Gerrish
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Something New for Kids Magic

Postby Jim Gerrish » November 28th, 2022, 7:53 am

A couple of new Kids Magic Tricks that were produced in 2022:
"Clowning Around", was inspired by "Obie" O'Brien's Kolossal Kolored Kards, but I was not able to handle the sleight of hand required any more. This version allows me to hand four helpers four black and white Clown Cards with black and white card designs on the backs. In the helpers' hands, each of their clowns changes color to match the silk handkerchief that covers it. When the cards are turned over, the backs have changed into matching color circus tents. You can change the clown designs to animals, cartoons, toys, etc. for kids... or come up with your own adult themes. The number four is not limited, either; generally from three to ten cards can be used.

Also, "3 Piggy Silks" is new for 2022. The Three Little Pigs story has been told with cards and plaques, but this is for magicians who like silk magic. You'll have to paint the Pigs and Wolf on the silks yourself, unless you learn how to print them on silk with your inkjet printer, but all you need is my routine and silk moves and you can change the pictures and plot to whatever you choose - Three Billy Goats Gruff, Three Blind Mice, Three Funny Clowns, Four Little Kittens, Five Shooting Stars... and so on. Three (or more) children get to stuff the silks in clear plastic containers, hold them throughout and yet at the end, they change to three (or more) striped silks. The kids stuff them in, they take them out... it's all under their control...until the MAGIC happens! ... ningaround

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Re: Something New for Kids Magic

Postby Tarotist » November 28th, 2022, 1:36 pm

It is refreshing to see a post on children's entertainment here. For some reason it is a very rare event despite the fact that probably the most common type of show performed either by professional or semi-professional magicians is a kid show!

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Jim Gerrish
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Re: Something New for Kids Magic

Postby Jim Gerrish » November 29th, 2022, 2:19 pm

Here's another for 2022, but it is Mentalism for Kids to perform for other kids ... or for adults to perform for kids. It's called "Think Again" and is in The Wizards' Journal #47. ... thinkagain

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Re: Something New for Kids Magic

Postby Melkior » February 6th, 2024, 2:11 pm

Thanks for your contribution, I'm also hoping to read about the new children's products for 2023 and 2024. But the link to your site no longer works.

Jeff Haas
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Re: Something New for Kids Magic

Postby Jeff Haas » February 14th, 2024, 1:10 am

Sorry, but The Magic Nook site is gone. I guess Jim retired.

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