Giobbi's "Seven" & Gregg Webb's notes

Discuss the tricks and sleights which appear in Genii.

Giobbi's "Seven" & Gregg Webb's notes

Postby Guest » May 2nd, 2006, 4:48 am

The May issue of Genii includes a great effect by Robert Giobbi, named "Seven." If you haven't yet tried this little gem, I recommend giving it a spin!

Gregg Webb made the following observations about the trick in a recent letter:
Here are three ideas to be of interest concerning the great trick described by Mr. Giobbi in the May issue, titled "Seven."

First, I found that the 7, the prediction of location of selected card in a group of 10 after numerous Shanghai shuffles, should be the card forced, seeming random to a spectator. In other words, THEY feel it could be any number.

The card itself could be a selection, free, and a control. After taking out 10 cards, all different, with no 7 in that group, I am controling the free selection to the 7th position by getting a break over the lowermost three cards of the remaining 9, when squaring just after the selection. Then I lift at the break for the replacement and dribble the right hand cards on top and square letting it all look fair during the replacement. Then on to the Shanghai shuffles as in the article.

Turn the second card face up as a convincer that the cards mix of course. This is a big selling point, so do a number of the shuffles BEFORE you get them to 'say stop'.

Probably have a different spectator pick the fair selection from the one you forced the 7 on.

Finally, my third observation about this great little item is the discovery that this ALSO works with the 4th position!

In other words, if you were to repeat this feat, and it is the kind that gets MORE mysterious with repetition, on the second time you force a '4' and control the fair selection to the '4th' position by getting a break below 2 after the selection and before the replacement.

The best time to set up for the force is while you take out the ten cards, all different, no 7's in the first run through to avoid confusion and no 4's during the repeat. The 7 and 4 being forces makes it seem as if THE SPECTATORS, not YOU determine the end position of selection.

Gregg WEBB Bayside, NY


Re: Giobbi's "Seven" & Gregg Webb's notes

Postby Guest » May 2nd, 2006, 5:14 am

One more thing ... I was surprised to read mention of Rheinfelden in Giobbi's article.

Years ago, I had the pleasure of visiting Rheinfelden, the town Giobbi mentions. I spent several days and nights there and in nearby Basel.

In Rheinfelden, I slept in a upper story loft -- equipped with little fold-out wooden shutters -- on a box feather bed. Peering outside, I saw a long garden with tidy plants growing in tidy rows and formations and flower boxes.

On long walks, I strolled along the Rhein; my host pointed out Germany on the other bank. Stepping toward the river, I noticed great brown slugs the size of jumbo thumb-tips crawled in the grass at my feet.

I ate tons of viener schnitzel, fish, bread, potatoes -- washed down with beer and wine, and I slept like a stone. I'll take Rheinfelden any day!

- Conus

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