TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

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TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby alexgutz » November 10th, 2018, 12:29 am

TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas, Labor Day weekend shaping up to be a great convention. The following performers have been booked:

Richard Turner
John Cornelius
Stuart MacDonald
Chris Capehart
Earl Nelson
Nick Lewin
James Dimmare
Scott Pepper
Joe Givan
Mahdi Gilbert
Oscar Munoz
taom.org/2019 for updates

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby Brad Henderson » November 10th, 2018, 3:27 pm

finally, a taom convention which has a line up to announce prior to registration rate increases. I hope this bodes well for the convention and we will see greater attendance.

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Richard Kaufman
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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby Richard Kaufman » November 10th, 2018, 3:38 pm

Earl Nelson!
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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby erdnasephile » November 10th, 2018, 4:12 pm

Earl Nelson!
That is exciting!
The other name that really caught my attention was John Cornelius.

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Mahdi Gilbert
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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby Mahdi Gilbert » November 23rd, 2018, 9:13 pm

Going to be a good one!

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby erdnasephile » November 24th, 2018, 11:51 am

finally, a taom convention which has a line up to announce prior to registration rate increases. I hope this bodes well for the convention and we will see greater attendance.
Mr. Henderson: How many folks usually show up to TAOM?

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby Brad Henderson » November 24th, 2018, 1:25 pm

fewer and fewer.

lots of reasons for this - obviously - but no small part has been the failure of recent TAOM’s to obtain name booking in time to advertise prior to the increase in rates. TAOM has become a convention where the people who show up are the ones who show up regardless of who is performing. Back in the day this brought in families - with today’s prices fewer are willing to spend several hundred dollars just to hang out.

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby Richard Kaufman » November 24th, 2018, 2:42 pm

A substantial number of the registrants are wives and families of the magician attendees.
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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby alexgutz » December 5th, 2018, 11:17 pm

John Cornelius: Two Time FISM winner
Three Time IBM Originality Award winner
Inventor of Fickle Nickel, Marked, FISM Flash, Thought Transmitter, Coin that Falls Up,....
Doug Henning opened his NBC Magic Special with the Vanishing Nickel(Fickle Nickel)

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby jplibby » February 10th, 2019, 10:36 am

Hi there!

We are working hard to create a fun and memorable TAOM convention this Labor Day weekend.

I also encourage you to like and follow our Facebook page as another way to stay updated:


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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby alexgutz » February 16th, 2019, 10:28 pm

Just recently booked....David Charvet, Paul Driscoll, David Deeble, plus more to come.....stay tuned!

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby jplibby » February 23rd, 2019, 9:09 pm

Hiya, everyone!

We have updated the web address for the Facebook page. We encourage you to like and follow the page to get convention updates: https://www.facebook.com/TAOM2019

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby wfwint » April 10th, 2019, 9:51 pm

Alex G. has done an excellent job securing great talent for this years TAOM. In addition, there is a $1000 Peoples Choice Award for the stage competition. Win the competition and your convention is practically free, depending on how much you eat, drink, and buy from the dealers. Hope to see you in San Antonio in September.

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby wfwint » April 10th, 2019, 10:03 pm

finally, a taom convention which has a line up to announce prior to registration rate increases. I hope this bodes well for the convention and we will see greater attendance.
Mr. Henderson: How many folks usually show up to TAOM?
The convention use to get 500+ in years past. We hope to get 250+ this year. We understand that magicians have a lot of choices between the IBM/SAM Nationals, as well as MAGIC LIVE and GENII conventions all taking place in the summer/fall. However, San Antonio has a lot to offer for the entire family. Sea World and Fiesta TX amusement parks, San Antonio Zoo, the Five Missions (Remember the Alamo) and the world famous River Walk.

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Richard Kaufman
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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby Richard Kaufman » April 11th, 2019, 12:02 am

I enjoyed San Antonio the last time I went to the TAOM there. The Riverwalk was quite nice.
You have a great lineup, and some of those folks are tempting me to come!
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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas, Richard

Postby alexgutz » April 15th, 2019, 10:58 pm

Come on down, Richard, and I'll treat you to some breakfast tacos and some margaritas and the invisible pass......Alex

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby alexgutz » April 15th, 2019, 11:05 pm

Just booked, the dove artistry magic of Lucio Martinez, First Place winner and Peoples Choice Award winner of the 2018 Winter Carnival of Magic Convention.

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby wfwint » April 17th, 2019, 8:36 pm

I enjoyed San Antonio the last time I went to the TAOM there. The Riverwalk was quite nice.
You have a great lineup, and some of those folks are tempting me to come!
Richard, we would love you to be in the dealers room at the TAOM. I sent you an email invite.

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby jplibby » April 23rd, 2019, 9:27 pm

I enjoyed San Antonio the last time I went to the TAOM there. The Riverwalk was quite nice.
You have a great lineup, and some of those folks are tempting me to come!
I hope you will consider attending, Richard. We would love to see you at TAOM 2019!

By now, you are probably all aware that, sadly, John Cornelius passed away on Sunday, April 21. We will honor him and celebrate his contributions to the world of magic at TAOM 2019.

Joe Libby

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Richard Kaufman
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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby Richard Kaufman » April 23rd, 2019, 11:38 pm

My wedding anniversary is always Labor Day weekend. That makes it problematic. :)
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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby alexgutz » April 25th, 2019, 1:51 am

Richard, bring the wife to the beautiful/romantic Riverwalk......

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby erdnasephile » August 10th, 2019, 8:08 am

Is Earl Nelson no longer able to be in the lineup? I didn't see his bio on the registration site.

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby Joe Lyons » August 10th, 2019, 9:04 am

No, Earl isn’t going to make it.

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Re: TAOM 2019 San Antonio, Texas

Postby erdnasephile » August 10th, 2019, 12:23 pm

That's too bad--I hope he's OK. Perhaps next year.

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