Speed Loader Plus (Wallet) by Tony Miller $75.00
Available at: http://www.rfaproductions.com/products/ ... rplus.html
Tony Miller, the Wallet Wizard, is back with his finest offering to date, the Speed Loader Plus. Tony’s design of the wallet is simple, brilliant and unique. This wallet is a game-changer!
It doesn’t rely upon an insert, a slit, a gremlin or any type of subterfuge that has been previously employed. Without revealing too much, I can tell you that the loading entrance is a marvel of Freudian symbolism.
As expected, the 3.5” x 4.5”, bi-fold wallet is expertly crafted. It’s made of exquisite, soft, supple leather. It can be used as your everyday wallet and it will happily reside in your hip pocket. The wallet looks, feels, smells and tastes scrumptious!
The wallet comes with a common object that is used in Ed Oshmann’s effect. You are also provided with a web address that takes you to a secret, humid, dimly lit back room in the RFA Productions underground compound. There, you will find the instructional videos described below.
Aaron Fisher's Speed Loader Plus Tutorial: Mr. Fisher teaches an effect in which the freely selected, signed card is ostensibly left outjogged in the tabled deck. The performer removes his wallet and places it on the table. The participant pushes her card flush. She picks up the deck and riffles it toward the wallet. The performer spreads the deck face up on the table to prove that the selection is gone. He opens the wallet and a face-down card is seen inside. The performer removes it and reveals the selection.
Mr. Fisher shares a wonderful finesse of the Side Glide and a nice tip on palming the card after executing that finessed technique.
I heartily endorse his contention that the performer should load and table the wallet while the selected card is still apparently in view. This approach significantly increases the power and impossibility of the effect.
I really like it.
Pocket Load Explanation: Tony teaches his basic wallet loading technique.
I like it.
Rubber Band Load Explanation: The performer removes the wallet from his pocket and the crowd sees that it is wrapped lengthwise and widthwise by two rubber bands. He removes the bands, opens the wallet and produces the card.
I like it.
No Pocket Load Explanation: Mr. Miller dispenses with pockets and teaches a method of loading the wallet directly from your hand. His handling is ghastly.
I don’t like it.
Money Wrapper Explanation: Upon opening the wallet, a folded, paper-clipped bill is seen. The performer removes the bill, takes off the paper clip and opens the bill to reveal the card inside.
I really like it.
Advanced Explanation #1: The wallet features an extra pocket that allows you to perform Darwin Ortiz’s “Dream Card.” Tony’s method of concealing the card that is initially displayed is unmotivated and horrific to behold.
After a few moments of experimentation, I discovered a number of superior methods of concealing the card. If you engage in a bit of experimentation, I’m sure that you’ll get similar results.
I really like the extra pocket, but I detest Tony’s handling.
Advanced Explanation #2: Tony demonstrates a method of conditioning the wallet that allows you to drop the card into it, instead of shoving it in.
The conditioned wallet also allows you to openly insert a card into the wallet and then secretly extract it. It’s not Card to Wallet, it’s Card from Wallet. This novel concept has numerous potential applications and merits further investigation.
I really like it.
Fingertip Load Basics: The inside pockets of many jackets are too deep for the effortless loading of a card into the wallet. You have to dig in and fidget. The crowd notices that notable behavior.
Tony teaches you how to construct a sturdy, reliable device that overcomes that problem. You probably already possess the requisite materials. If not, you’ll have to purchase a $5.00 item that, if you care about your cards, you should own anyway.
I like it.
Jack Carpenter's Impossible Wrap Explanation: The performer removes the wallet from his pocket and the crowd sees that it is double wrapped lengthwise and widthwise by two rubber bands. He removes the bands, opens the wallet and produces the card.
I like it.
Ed Oschmann's Warp Speed Load Explanation: Mr. Oschmann has added a common object, stolen from his daughter, to the wallet that keeps the wallet’s entrance open and allows the wallet to ride high in your pocket.
He also shares a cool technique, attributed to Derek Dingle, that facilitates loading the card into the wallet. The combination of these elements makes for the fastest load of the bunch and allows you to remove the wallet at your fingertips.
I really like it.
Tony Miller’s Speed Loader Plus is the best wallet that he has created, and arguably the best wallet ever created. If Tony never releases another wallet, he will go down in history as the premier wallet craftsman of the 21st century. Be part of history in the making. Buy it immediately!
Highest Recommendation
Speed Loader Plus by Tony Miller
- Don Hendrix
- Posts: 527
- Joined: January 18th, 2008, 12:00 pm
- Location: Tucson, AZ
Re: Speed Loader Plus by Tony Miller
I received mine this week and agree with everything that Tom says. Jack's method of wrapping the wallet in rubber bands is my favorite. I have a drawer full of wallets that I have acquired over the years, including several from Tony, and this is going to be my favorite. IMHO Tony is selling this one for much less that its value.
- Bob Cunningham
- Posts: 365
- Joined: May 25th, 2008, 4:11 pm
- Location: Texas
Re: Speed Loader Plus by Tony Miller
I have always wanted to perform a card to wallet, but I just never found a wallet worked for me. I purchased Tony Miller's Speed Loader wallet a couple of weeks ago and began using it this week. The reactions from my spectators have been over the top and I feel really comfortable with the load.
This is a GREAT tool that everyone who wants to add a card to wallet to their repertoire should own.
This is a GREAT tool that everyone who wants to add a card to wallet to their repertoire should own.