Very interesting: "Eclipse" from TI (Christoper Taylor)

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Mats Kjellstrom
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Very interesting: "Eclipse" from TI (Christoper Taylor)

Postby Mats Kjellstrom » May 18th, 2009, 2:03 am

I think this is a great thing!

This concept is a winner, sure.
If its a long lasting quality device I think this is a A+ prop for workers in the real world!
This is an effect that makes sense - many mental effects are way to un-natural in the routining, this is straight to the point with no detours, sure.

I hope to see this thing in action...
[on my big wishlist - true]

El Mystico
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Re: Very interesting: "Eclipse" from TI (Christoper Taylor)

Postby El Mystico » May 18th, 2009, 4:22 am

It's funny.
The concept is a winner.
And was when Max came up with it.
The chief difference being that Max came up with a beautiful, ingenious, non gimmicked approach which didn't need special props, could be put together for a few dollars, and couldn't really go wrong.
Now here is a version of the same effect for $275.
Yes, you can do it from the other side of the room; but it's not clear to me that that's such an improvement. I could be wrong.
And this is no criticism of Taylor Imagineering who make great products.

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