Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

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Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

Postby Guest » June 18th, 2007, 7:16 am

Here's a young Steve Martin doing some comedy magic on the Smothers Brothers Show... ... ed&search=

Jim Maloney_dup1
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Re: Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

Postby Jim Maloney_dup1 » June 18th, 2007, 7:26 am


"As Tom and Dick said, I'm Steve Martin'll be outta here in a minute."



Re: Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

Postby Guest » June 18th, 2007, 3:55 pm

Actually, it was "I'll be out here in a minute."


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Re: Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

Postby Jim Maloney_dup1 » June 18th, 2007, 6:27 pm're right. Gives it a totally different meaning. And that also causes the follow-up line to make sense.

I do like the line I thought I heard, though. Nice and self-deprecating. I may use it. :)


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Dustin Stinett
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Re: Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

Postby Dustin Stinett » June 18th, 2007, 9:38 pm

I was taking a swig of soda when he said, "Now the toilet float trick."



Re: Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

Postby Guest » June 18th, 2007, 10:03 pm

The BEST Zombie routine EVER!

I still remember being about ten, seeing someone do Zombie and thinking of the toilet float.

When I found out years later that that was how it was created I almost wet myself laughing.

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Brad Jeffers
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Re: Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

Postby Brad Jeffers » May 12th, 2024, 12:30 am

I remember seeing Steve Martin perform his magic act on The Tonight Show in 1972.

One of the more memorable things for me was the "Chinese Mystery Pagoda Box of the Dead" :lol:

I recently stumbled across this auction site where Steve Martin's Chinese Mystery Box sold for $1,920.

However, this box is not the one he used in his 1968 performance on The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour.

It may have been the one used on The Tonight Show, but I cannot locate a video of that performance.

In the description of the prop, Steve Martin says, "The red box was used in my magic act. I would call it 'The Chinese Mystery Box of the Dead' and I would produce the 'live bouncing baby rabbit' from it."

I seem to vaguely recall the bouncing baby rabbit bit, but I'm a little confused - for to use the Chinese Mystery Pagoda Box of the Dead for anything - would kill the joke.

It's interesting to see the many things Steve Martin consigned to auction.
He certainly doesn't need the money - but I can understand.

There comes a time in life when you look around at all the stuff you've accumulated and you just want to get rid of it all!

Edward Pungot
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Re: Young Steve Martin doing comedy magic

Postby Edward Pungot » May 12th, 2024, 7:24 am

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