Wayne Dobson in Genii

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bob gill
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Wayne Dobson in Genii

Postby bob gill » May 11th, 2020, 9:36 am

Hi from the Old Country,

I am currently working with Brit TV magician Wayne Dobson on his biography. Wayne recalls a mention made of a performance of his by Vernon in, he believes, the March 1995 Genii Vernon column. Unfortunately several of the 1985 editions of Genii are missing from the online Issues. My friend Noel Britten has looked at his set of Geniis and surprisingly he too is missing the same editions as the online set omits.
What I’m looking for is simply the quote Vernon used about Wayne in that column. In more normal times I’d consult The London Magic Circle's library, but of course in these troubled times that is denied me for a while yet.

I wonder whether some kind soul with a better library than mine would be able to look up that particular column and, if Wayne's memory serves him well and he is mentioned in it, whether they could either post the quote here or email it to me?

Stay low, Bob Gill, AIMC, UK

Randy DiMarco
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Re: Wayne Dobson in Genii

Postby Randy DiMarco » October 12th, 2022, 11:46 am

I am pretty sure that sometime in the 80s they "skipped" some months in the numbering of the issues to help them catch up because they were so far behind. The issues came out, they just skipped the months in the numbering. That would explain the missing issues.

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Re: Wayne Dobson in Genii

Postby katterfelt0 » October 12th, 2022, 12:41 pm

The closest thing I could find was this from the December 1988 column:
"It was really thrilling to again meet many of my friends from Canada (Willis Kenny), England (Wayne
Dobson), Holland (Tommy Wonder). Australia, France (Pierre Mayer) and Japan (Shigeo Takagi)."
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