Tiny Séance - May 2013

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Jim Riser
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Tiny Séance - May 2013

Postby Jim Riser » April 17th, 2013, 4:45 pm

Jim Steinmeyer has presented the Genii readers with a little gem in his Tiny Séance. This is the type of fun impromptu item that I like to use.

To make things even more extemporaneous, I plan on doing away with the modified cow bell and gimmicked book. Instead I will utilize two Altoids tins (the second to replace the book gimmick) each with a few hex nuts in them. This allows using a non-sound enhanced book with its added friction gripping cover. Nothing could appear more innocent nor be easier to carry around.

If you follow along with the routine as explained, you will see how simple it will be to just remove the second tin from a pocket and rattle it when needed for the third phase.

Thank you, Mr. Steinmeyer for the inspiration and routine. This little goody is worth the Genii subscription price!

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Re: Tiny Séance - May 2013

Postby Necromancer » September 22nd, 2013, 10:32 pm

Great idea, Jim! Thanks for sharing it.
Neil Tobin, Necromancer

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Re: Tiny Séance - May 2013

Postby Necromancer » September 24th, 2013, 12:35 pm

After reading Jim's ingenious routine, I was left wanting to turn the tables on the greater audience that's been laughing knowingly at this succession of clever mediumistic tricks. My goal was to give the piece a stronger ending button that vindicated the onstage participant (at whose expense much of the laughter has been derived) and unexpectedly provided the spirits with the last laugh.

My problem was that I didn't know how—until I read Jim Riser's idea of using an Altoids box as a stand-in for the period-appropriate bell.

The published routine ends with the Altoids box on the floor at the end Phase Three, having just apparently floated around the head of the participant (let's call her Lisa).

At this point, you have her open her eyes. Explain that all kinds of deception were possible in darkened seance rooms, but that even the most crooked worker would occasionally experience the inexplicable.

Invite her to pick up the Altoids box and give it a shake. For the first time, it's as quiet as the grave.

You ask her to open the box, and inside she finds a folded piece of paper. Unfolding it, she discovers a hand-printed message: "The Spirits Thank Lisa For Playing With Us." With this spooky souvenir in hand, she is led to her seat.

Method: The visible Altoids box that has been seen since the beginning contains no metal nuts at all, only the note (which you personalize by finding out the participant's name before the show). With the duplicate Altoids box (containing metal nuts) sleeved, it can be used as a rattle gimmick when shaking the visible box during the first two phases, then dropped into the fingers and apparently removed from your pocket for use in the third phase.

Neil Tobin, Necromancer

Posts: 224
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Re: Tiny Séance - May 2013

Postby Necromancer » November 5th, 2013, 10:38 am

After changing the props a bit more to suit my presentation, cutting extra phases, and altering the method, it played great on TV last week! Take a look:


Neil Tobin, Necromancer

Steve Hook
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Re: Tiny Séance - May 2013

Postby Steve Hook » November 5th, 2013, 8:07 pm

Nice work, Neil, even with Ana opening her eyes on the count of "1..."!

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