Cigapen by Jesse Feinberg

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Cigapen by Jesse Feinberg

Postby JKeppel » October 6th, 2008, 12:39 am

Cigapen by Jesse Feinberg
DVD - running time - 40 minutes - Sugg. retail $24.00
Dealers purchase from Murphys Magic supplies

In this one trick DVD you either borrow a filtered cigarette or take your own and turn it instantly into a pen. Now its a cigarete, now its a pen, bingo you're done.
Watching the DVD at a straight on angle its pretty flashy and visual but.........
Anything except the perfect angle and the gimmick is going to flash . And, after you are done the heat is on your hand and you're holding the gimmick which you can't really ditch since they are one piece. Half the people are going to grab for it (which you can't let them get ahold of) and the other half are going to instantly figure out how you did it.You have all probably figured out by yourself by now how its done and constructed. Some other people will watch the change and go "Yeah, and?". Its just too short, and not routined and seems kinda pointless. 5 seconds, now its a cigarette now its a pen. There is no build up or story of anything that makes it meaningfull somehow.
The instructions on construction however are very clear and detailed step by step.
The included bonus effect is the same effect but constructing it as a crayon that turns into a pen to make it more kid friendly.
If this were one of a number of tricks on a dvd or in a book i'd say it is ok but to pay $24.00 for this one quick 5 seconds and its done trick, its hard to recommend.

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