Denny Haney's newsletter

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Denny Haney's newsletter

Postby erdnasephile » June 13th, 2014, 11:51 am

For those who haven't signed up already, I really think Denny Haney's free newsletter is well worth receiving:

He's got a real barnburner of an essay this week: "Drinking the Kool-Aid"

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Re: Denny Haney's newsletter

Postby Leonard Hevia » June 13th, 2014, 11:33 pm

I read that last night. Killer. Stay thirsty my friends...

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Re: Denny Haney's newsletter

Postby brianarudolph » June 14th, 2014, 2:06 pm

Denny nails it 100% regarding magic, technology and magic+technology.

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Re: Denny Haney's newsletter

Postby Q. Kumber » June 14th, 2014, 5:44 pm

For future reference here is the content of the newsletter. Denny gave permission for it to reposted.

"Drinking the Kool-Aid" is a figure of speech commonly used in the United States that refers to a person or group holding an unquestioned belief, argument, or philosophy without critical examination. It could also refer to knowingly going along with a doomed or dangerous idea because of peer pressure. The phrase typically carries a negative connotation when applied to an individual or group. The phrase derives from the November 1978 Jonestown deaths, where members of the Peoples Temple, who were followers of the Reverend Jim Jones committed suicide by drinking a mixture of a powdered soft drink flavoring agent laced with cyanide. Although the powder used in the incident included Flavor Aid, it was commonly referred to as Kool-Aid due to its status as a genericized trademark.

Are you drinking it? Are you falling for it? Most of us are drinking the Magic Kool-Aid and can't seem to control ourselves. It's all because of technology and our belief that if it's a "new technology," then it MUST be better.

I love Andy Rooney's statements from the show 60 minutes. Here are three statements that are funny but so true:

1-As an old reporter, we have a few secrets, and the first thing is we try the phone book.
Quotation of Andy Rooney

2-Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done.
Quotation of Andy Rooney

3-Computers may save time but they sure waste a lot of paper. About 98 percent of everything printed out by a computer is garbage that no one ever reads.

Yes, I am approaching seventy years of age. I've been doing magic for sixty years and 35 years of that were spent on the road touring the world with my own show. Before you call me an "old fart" who doesn't like change, you should take my history into consideration.

When I retired from full time performing, I opened a magic shop with a definite goal in mind. I wanted to pass on my experiences, my knowledge, and my service to magicians who really want to learn to perform magic the correct way. Aware of the knowledge that owning a magic shop is NOT a lucrative business, a client once asked me..."Then what is your goal?" My answer was simple.

I told him "When I die, I want to leave behind a large number of accomplished performers who will continue this performing art. When magicians in the future talk about the Denny and Lee Magic Studio, I want them to talk about it with the same respect as we older magicians now talk about the Ken Brooke Magic Place in London."

That was the legacy I wanted to leave behind. Has it worked? It has worked for many who are now out there actually performing magic for a living and doing quite well. That makes me feel worthwhile.
Do I like change? I embrace change as long as it makes things BETTER. The Denny and Lee Magic Studio was one of the FIRST to make use of the internet and a website to introduce magicians to our services. I had very little competition at the time.

As the years have progressed, I have seen the internet grow. There are "virtual reality" internet magic shops everywhere. Anyone can sell magic tricks.

I have talked to many savy internet marketers and they have all told me the little secrets of selling on the internet.
I soon realized that "marketing" is many times just another word for "trickery." Therefore, the subject of this commentary, "Drinking the Magic Kool-Aid."

As new technology is invented, the "marketing (or trickery)" has grown. It has reached a point where newly interested magic fans are being led down the path of confusion. They are being led by internet shops operated by other inexperienced magic fans. The magic consumer is now constantly searching for "The Holy Grail" in magic. Through discounts and the selling of pirated magic from China, the consumer thinks they are really getting a deal.

I have a saying about the Holy Grail:
Technology is advancing at a rapid rate. Just think about this scenario......
Somewhere out there is a very knowledgeable computer person who is inventing a new thing for your computers to do. It may be a new app or something that your Smartphone can do. Once this is invented, it goes to the marketing department. Here is the job of the marketing department:
Yes, that is marketing BUT remember Andy Rooney's statement:
"Computers make it easier to do a lot of things, but most of the things they make it easier to do don't need to be done."

The onslaught of instant downloads, e-books, instant messages, Facebook and Twitter are all TEMPORARY. One day in the not so distant future, you will try to locate that file that you paid for and you will find it no longer exists. We have become complacent with the material that we are paying for. We place it somewhere saying "I'll get to that when I have time." Think of all the downloads and e-books that you have bought. Can you remember them? Can you find them? Can you play them? Have you learned them or did you really read that E-book that you downloaded? Remember, as technology marches on and changes, so does the ability to play them back as well as store them. Want proof? How much info do you have on floppy disc? How about VHS videos, 8 track music, reel to reel tapes or cassettes, Laser Disc, etc. The list goes on and on.

One day, all of this will go away. You will lose it, misplace it, or not have the ability to see it or read it anymore. Files will get corrupted. You will lose your Smartphone on the bus or leave it in some hotel somewhere. The ones who will retain the knowledge and always have it at their fingertips will be those who have a library of BOOKS.
As I said, "I embrace change as long as it makes thing BETTER." With all of this new technology, I still have found NOTHING that is better than a real printed book.

Magicians buy all sorts of things. Props, books, DVDs, videos, etc. Although they don't mean to be "collectors," they end up one day having a large amount of magic that in many cases have increased in value over the years. In their declining years, most of them will begin to sell off their items or perhaps give them to some young beginner to help them progress.

Guess what? E-books, instant downloads, and other electronic media are not sold or transferred. What physical object do you now have to sell or give away? NOTHING. Sure, you have spent a lot of money BUT you really have nothing physical to show for it.

Personally, I am very proud of my library, memorabilia, and magic props that I have collected over the years. I am proud of my magazine collections and the fact that many of them are complete files. I can always find them, touch them, read them, and enjoy them at any time I wish. I don't have to turn on electronic equipment, upload items, or sit in front of a computer screen just to learn a card trick! I don't have to "upgrade" my books to 2.0 or 8.9 or whatever. The only thing I have had to do in my later years was to upgrade my eyes so I can read my books. It's called GLASSES!"

Now comes the onslaught of the "Live Lecture on the Internet." Everyone is jumping on this one!
Now you can watch your favorite magician give a lecture by staring into your computer screen. Some are actually even watching these live lectures on their Smartphones! We had to actually cancel a recent workshop where a lecturer was giving way $200 worth of free products at the workshop. We had to cancel due to "lack of interest." I guess they all figured they could see his lecture on the internet or will see it in the near future. All those who are doing these online lectures will soon see a drop in attendance when they lecture live. It could eventually destroy their ability to draw a crowd. They are no longer "special."

It's strange that magic is a personally interactive form of entertainment and yet everything is leading us to become "non social." We are being locked away in our rooms and interacting ONLY to a screen. Magicians are performing ONLY for the camera. YouTube is the perfect example of this. You can do a trick for a camera but have trouble performing the trick live for real people.

Performing for the single camera lens allows us to control our angles and not even have to patter as we present the trick. Just put some hip-hop music behind it and perform it silently. This way our magic can look great on YouTube but sucks in real life. Again, the trickery of marketing.

Along with the ability to sit at home and create DVDs or instant downloads comes the ability for "Those who cannot perform to sell magic to others who cannot perform."

Do you remember the "cup stackers?" This was all the rage years ago on YouTube. Young people would record themselves stacking and unstacking plastic cups in a burst of speed.

I now call some of these YouTube magicians the "magic cup stackers." Their hands are moving a mile a minute flinging and flipping cards with the attitude of "Hey, look at me!"

We had a young magician come into the shop a week or so ago. He had never been here before and was totally lost as he looked around. He said he had been into magic for a few years now but the only thing he really liked was cards. One of the guys sitting at the table asked if he would do a card trick for him.

He said "sure." He then came over and said here's my pass, here's my false shuffle, here's my false cut, etc, etc. He actually did the "moves" fairly well BUT he could not actually do a "trick." He really didn't understand the difference. He really didn't grasp the fact that what he was showing were secret moves that are NOT supposed to be seen by an audience. There are supposed toe be the secret hidden techniques that create a magical effect. Again it was the "Hey, look at me" mentality created by the YouTube generation.

Some of the greatest card tricks ever are done without even touching the deck. Just take a look at "Stop" or "Lazy Man's Card Trick." Both of these effects can be found in Harry Lorayne's Close Up Card Magic book. This was Harry's first book and I still consider it to be the best one he ever wrote. Then again, that's an "old" book so the younger magicians ignore it for the most part.

It only takes a simple, logical thought to figure this one out. Instant downloads, e-books, and streaming videos allow dealers to make money without having to invest in stock or keep anything on their shelves. It's the ideal profit making product. No investment and 100% profit. Naturally they are going to promote this as "the new and best way to learn magic." They are taking advantage of the constant desire to push buttons and get something instantly.

Today's society has become totally impatient. That's why TV ads are constantly jumping from one image to another. Our attention spans are so short and our patience is so limited, we can't even wait for three days to receive the next Holy Grail in magic. We have to have it NOW!

I remember one customer calling me years ago and asking for a tracking number for something that I sent to him. I told him, he would receive it by tomorrow. He still wanted the tracking number and he said "he likes to track it as it comes up his sidewalk."

Surely, there must be better things on which to spend his time.

Many times I send out a newsletter and if there is not a video demo of the effect, it becomes totally ignored. Please remember, that although a video demo may show you the effect, the "READING OF THE DESCRIPTION" is always the best way to decide. Also, you should buy depending on "author" rather than video demo. That's always the way I bought books. If I had two or three books by a certain author that I really liked, I would just buy whatever book he released. I never met an author who decided to write two good books, then two bad ones, then two more good ones, then three more bad ones, etc. It's the same with buying magic props or tricks. If a certain company is know for good quality magic, you should be pretty safe in buying from that company. I wrote an entire article in M-U-M a while back on "How to Buy Magic." It was mostly ignored because most magicians just go on the internet to find the cheapest one that they can buy. They usually end up with the "plastic cup" rather than the "Holy Grail."

One important thing to remember about video demos is this.......You are only going to see the video demo that looks good. If a certain effect is not reliable or practical in real life, you are NOT going to see the demos that didn't work. You are ONLY going to see the demo that made it look like a miracle. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid!

This is a phrase that many have picked up over the years and use very freely. They use it as if it is something special or different from everyone else. Remember, CAVEMEN were also visual learners. We are ALL visual learners. Of course we are visual learners but that doesn't mean that we should therefore ignore the written words.
I had one customer in my shop about a year ago and instead of saying "I'm a visual learner," he said "I'm too lazy to read a book." I couldn't argue with him there. At least he was honest.

Don't tell me you can't learn from a book. You can use all of the acronyms available to explain what sort of deficiency you have that presents you from reading a book.

Just remember, all of these deficiencies were in existence throughout history, they just didn't have an abbreviated term for it. Since it didn't have a term, humans learned to read in their own way. Some found it easy and others found it more difficult. Either way, they LEARNED TO READ and didn't have an excuse to fall back on.
There is really a lot more I can say about what is happening to magic today. It's really all part of our society for, as you know, that is also changing. People say they can't read, they can't do math, they know nothing about history, and the "dumbing down of society" is really a movement to keep the public uninformed. It shows up in all forms of businesses and hobbies. It is not getting any better.

If you go on my website (which no one seems to do anymore) you will see that I do not carry instant downloads or e-books nor do I participate in online lectures. My newsletters are rarely even read because no one has time to read lengthy emails. Even if they try, it's on their Smartphones where it is so small, it has become a chore to read. Many don't even have computers with large screens anymore. doesn't always make things better. But we become conditioned to it and hooked on it. We Facebook and Twitter to others so we can keep track of them and what they are doing when it really doesn't matter where they are or what they are doing. What are we accomplishing other than wasting time? Cellphones are here to stay for a while and we are now getting used to dropped calls and garbled words. We have come to accept it and have actually forgotten how clear a landline is.

Could I make easy money with no investment if I were to participate in this "scam?" Yes, I could. I just KNOW that it is NOT the way to learn magic. I may leave this earth with nothing but that's the way I came into it.

You are the consumer. If you continue to buy the unethical knock-offs or get caught up in this new electronic media thinking that you are really learning magic, then you are perpetuating the problem and it will continue to get worse. The worse it gets, the less you will actually learn and the less you will have in the future to show for it.. There are many virtual reality internet shops who are just waiting for you to "take that next sip of the Magic Kool-Aid." They want you to..."stay thirsty my friend."

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Re: Denny Haney's newsletter

Postby Ted M » June 14th, 2014, 6:14 pm

The one I received concluded with:

"Like" Dennymagic on Facebook!

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Re: Denny Haney's newsletter

Postby Tom Frame » June 15th, 2014, 10:09 am

This is an excellent, important essay!

Whatever happened to face to face human interaction? Or even using our own voices to engage in a live, lively conversation on the phone?

Mr. Haney touches upon the reasons why I don't own a cell phone, don't participate in Facebook or Twitter, and don't buy downloads or ebooks.

Thank you, Mr. Haney!

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Re: Denny Haney's newsletter

Postby lybrary » June 15th, 2014, 10:44 am

Denny raises good points. But he is also wrong in my opinion in some of them. I will pick out one that is very dear to my heart. The primary reason I started to digitize magic books was to be able to search in them. That is one advantage computers offer where print does not offer any good equivalent. With a search in my million plus pages of magic literature I can research an effect, a plot, a move, a performer. I could not do that with my printed library. Search is one of the killer apps of digital media.

The computer is a tool. If you learn how to use it, it can help anybody improve their knowledge, improve their life, and provide many other advantages. But it is not the solution for everything, just as it is hard to saw with a hammer. Don't blame the hammer. Magic & Gambling
preserving magic one book at a time

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Joe Naud
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Re: Denny Haney's newsletter

Postby Joe Naud » June 15th, 2014, 11:40 am

My wife might say I love my books more than her and like many others I always get the "another magic book, really we need another magic book" comment. I have gotten most of my books by using a computer or smart phone or as recently as a couple of weeks ago via an in person/online auction. While I have never had the chance to visit Denny's magic shop should I ever get the chance I would jump at. I live about 20 miles from the Magic Apple in LA which is one of the only magic shops in an area of nearly 10 million people.

I could never afford to take lessons from John Carney, but by subscribing to his offering last year of downloadable lessons I have learned tools not available in any of his books of which I own them all. Is that a bad thing? I have only downloaded 3 things, all from world class magicians all that were not offered in books.

Youtube is what is, 99% junk, it was also the first place I saw Juan Tamariz.

I've been enjoyed magic for nearly 40 years and every trick I ever bought from the Adams catalogue as a kid was the latest magic miracle that you could do in minutes with no practice, sound familiar?

I lived in Amarillo, Texas for 15 years and never could find a magician to interact with, but via Skype I made a new friend in a similar situation and we learned from each other.

Maybe I'm missing Denny's point. Don't get that crazy electricity thing in your house it will surly burn the place to the ground. Really?

Peace, Joe

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